Block Party / Movie Night in Meadowlark Park

August 18, 2011

Block Party and Movie Night in Meadowlark Park on August 20, 2011 at 4 pm.

E-mail update

August 2, 2011

If you would like to get an e-mail whenever there is a new post to the Birdland website, just visit and subscribe to the site.

If you are having trouble getting e-mails from us, you might have to add us to your contacts for it to get through some spam blockers.

If you would have any neighborhood or Citizens Association announcements, they can be sent to

Could all organizers / leaders in the association please send an e-mail to so I can make sure our contacts list is up to date? Thanks.

July Movie Night / Yardsale

August 2, 2011

Lot’s of nice comments about the last movie night have come in to the website, along with requests for continued activities.

Thank you to everyone who organized the movie night and yard sale.

If you have any ideas for activities you can organize, or things you would like to see for the neighborhood…please consider joining the association and lending a hand to make it happen.